📰 Devilated, Demos, and Developers


Hello @everyone!

Welcome to the first issue of the Neon Doctrine newsletter where I (Neon Lucy, Community Manager) am writing little emails against my will to make sure you all know about the cool things going on in the world of Neon Doctrine! I don’t really know how to segue this so I’m just gonna get right into it (and if you’ve read some of this stuff before… no you didn’t.)

Senpai Noticed Us!

In April, we saw a huge influx of players after Devilated was featured on Civvie 11's latest boomer shooter roundup. It was super cool to see that amount of traction for our "unhinged" boomer shooter, and in response we decided to give our newbies an update to V0.9.5, and look at the bloodbath that is level 20 of Devilated. It’s right here if you wanna take a look too, and features what CEO Iain says are some ‘classic Paolo (Content Lead) lines’ such as; “oh look a whale”.

A Demo-nic Entity Was Unleashed

In May, LudoNarraCon came and went, and with it the My Lovely Empress Demo. But not before we reached 5,000 Demo downloads!

Once again, thank you so much to everyone who downloaded, and played the My Lovely Empress demo during LudoNarraCon. We are so excited that so many of you took to the imperial throne, and are looking forward to sharing more exciting things with you as development progresses!

Supporting Indonesian Indies

GameChanger Studio and Neon Doctrine continue in their shared mission to support the growing and thriving game industry in Southeast Asia. As part of this mission, GameChanger Studio’s CEO Riris Marpaung has joined forces with AMD to take her knowledge and experience creating the My Lovely Series on the road!

GameChanger and Neon Doctrine would like to extend thanks to AMD for creating this fantastic opportunity to for the Indonesian Game Dev Community. As well as a special thanks to all of you who have bought, played, and Wishlisted the My Lovely Games. Without your excitement and enjoyment of the My Lovely Series, none of this would be possible!

Upcoming Events

(Mark your calendars with these Very Important Dates.)

Thanks for reading all those words I wrote! I hope you enjoyed your stay, and please take a My Lovely Empress Wishlist on your way out (click the link, or the big button up there ).  

See you in the next one, or on our Discord server.

~ Neon Lucy